Conscious Living

How does the CONSCIOUSNESS LIVING program work?

On this training we create an atmosphere of openness, unconditional support, and authenticity. The process we offer is the sum total of our three decades of experience in the world of personal development and transformation.


We offer you new perspectives and thought-provoking inquiries, practical exercises, empowering feedback and professional coaching from our world class trainer team.

Our approach to creating space has provided us the platform to change the lives of thousands of people all around the globe, people who are now out there changing the world through a new found ability to express themselves to the fullest.


Conscious Living 1 is our signature
breakthrough training, an immersive 4 day
event meticulously designed to give you
practical tools and life-changing insights
that will reconnect you with your essence
and your unlimited power to create. When

you know how to create with consciousness, everything becomes possible. 


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Only available for graduates of Conscious Living 1

A 4-day Creative Consciousness experience that expands your Conscious Living 1 experience by transforming the way you relate to others - be it your spouse, your children, your parents, your friends, your colleagues, your boss or anyone.

You are always connected. Learn to be connected

in a conscious, light and powerful way. 

Already a CL1 Graduate? More info soon!


Only available for graduates of Conscious Living 2

This 4 day challenging process expands you further into a re-connection with the Whole, the Divine Source,  the Life Force itself. 


Anything that is holding you back, that still separates you is being brought to light - and you become ready to make the choice of your Life! 

Already a CL2 Graduate? More info soon!

What will you take away?


Align your actions with your words


Stay true to who you choose to be


See clearly what you want to accomplish


Perceive reality as it is


Be fully in the here and now


Create the life you want to live


Act independently from your thinking and feeling


Tap into your source energy and use it for creation


Feel free, act free, be free


Love without conditions

Course Content

The process puts you back in your power, creates inner peace and provides clarity on your destiny. It offers tools how to break patterns that are not serving you and gives you a complete new perspective on all the pillars of your life. Get yourself back in the drivers seat of your journey. You will see and learn how to interact, be who you are and enables you to become who you choose to be. The training methodology is developed over 25 years and exists of 7 steps:

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Step 1:  Create space for an optimal mindset

Step 2:  Recognize limiting believes

Step 3:  Envision your desired future

Step 4:  Let go of emotional blocks

Step 5:  Raise your level of consciousness

Step 6:  Make holistic choices

Step 7:  Integrate these steps into your life

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